Donate now thru PayPal to support our programs. 100% of your donations will go to our water and educational projects. IndiMark is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law.

Below are what the donation packages contributes to.

  • $10-99:
    • Feminine products (pads, tampons, underwear, bras, socks, etc.) for girls ages 9-12.
    • Sports equipment for the village's youth and the community center (various sports balls, gear, safety equipment, etc.).
    • Print and multi-media materials for Community Center's Library (could include books, magazines, office supplies, desks, bookshelves, etc.).
  • $100-499:
    • Water purification devies to give to families in the village to help keep their water jugs decontaminated. As well as to keep the water clean as they use it around the house. $100 provides one device for four families to share to clean five gallons of water.
    • iPads for 3-5th graders to be connected between Wisconsin and Maasai youth through a mentorship program.
  • $500-999:
    • Bedlinens, kitchenette supplies, and toiletries to stock the Communit Center's dorm room, kitchenette, and bathroom.
  • $1,000+:
    • Scholarships for youth K-8 grade to attend a boarding school. These youths have severe family hardships (orphaned, single parents, etc.). Youth are screened by the school and have already demonstrated appropriate test scores for admittance. Sponsorship of $1,000 covers basic tuition, boarding fees, and uniform.
  • $50,000+:
    • Sponsor a community well - would include drilling, pumping, water to the surface, creating a reservoir, and decontamination system. Goal at this time is for three new wells to be established on land already donated for the cause.
    • Sponsor a community center - would include assistance for the construction of a basic four room building; well room, serving kitchenette, multipurpose room (classrooms by day, dormitory at night), and bathrooms.

Donation Packages

Go Fund Me Campaign

Become a Fundraiser

Donate to our Go Fund Me Campaign. 100% of your donations will go to computers, monitors, mice and training teachers on how to use the computers. These computers will be used in schools and community centers enhancing educational opportunities for students.

Want to lead a fundraiser for IndiMark or one of our Projects? Contact us at info@indimark,org and let us know!


Interested in partnering with us? We’re looking for partners in a variety of capacities: programming (both in Wisconsin and abroad), sponsorship, subject mater experts, and more. Contact us at for more information.

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